Cod. 4234 – RISCOSSA Olive and Capers sauce

The line is “READY RISCOSSA SAUCE” the only ingriendients used are fresh and MSG or artificial flavours. It has an incredible taste the product comes only from a specific preparation.

SKU: 4230 Categories: ,
  1. General Details

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  2. Product details
    Packing: 12 jars

    Weight: 314gr

    Ingredients: 70% tomato pulp, tomatoe paste, 6% black olives, 2% olive oil, sugar, 1.5% capers, 1.2% onion, 0.8% anchioves, salt, white wine, garlic, parsley, basil, oregano, hot pepper, natural flavors.

    Nutritional values

    Energy value: 213 Kj 51 Kcal
    Carbohydrates 7,5 g
    Proteins 1,5 g
    Lipids 1,6 g
  3. Request information

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